NOTES: mailing program / specific feeds



Will send emails based on content updates


Get more readers – by giving them more choice

Congratulations! You’re offering an email newsletter. That’s great. However, most likely you made the experience that it’s damn hard to get people to subscribe to it.

Did you ever take some time to think why this is the case? We did, and discovered that the secret to getting subscribers is quite simple: give people what they want.

Content of their choice

Content of their choice

Your prospective subscribers can choose which messages they want to receive.

For example, they can choose to only receive messages with specific tags, authors, or keywords. Have a look at your filter screen.

Brevity of their choice

Subscribers can decide if they want to receive only the headlines or the snippets/entire stories (if you decided to have your RSS feed contain this information).

This helps them to not get overloaded with information
– making it more likely that they keep reading your content.

Brevity of their choice
Delivery channel of their choice

Delivery channel of their choice

Receiving separate messages for every new post only adds to our already cluttered inboxes.

Therefore subscribers can choose to receive messages in their Personal Newspapers, which is one email (per day, week, or month) that contains all the messages in an aggregated form (similar to an email digest).

If you were a visitor of your own blog, would those features make it more likely that you subscribe?

But that’s not all – by using SpecificFeeds you’ll benefit in other ways too:

Your messages will actually get read
You’ll get interesting insights into your subscribers
It’s FREE (basic plan)
Get started: Use this wordpress plugin to place the subscription form
and/or icon(s) on your site
Alternatively, you could also download the icon or the subscription form. If you want to use SpecificFeeds also for RSS then please use
this plugin to apply a redirect to your new feed on SpecificFeeds.

If you already use a form – e.g. because it came with your theme – you can link it to your feed on SpecificFeeds by giving it the following action url:
Please make sure the name of the email field in the form is «email».