On The Fly

to shopmanager@shawneee.com

Email out to you shop mananger -+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Shawn Palmer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Email:                    shawn@spiffydesign.com Email To Phone:    4156132331@vzwpix.com (email handheld) Phone:                   415.613.2331 (texting preferred for quicker response) mybrowser.fyi – I may need to know sometime - 

to shopmanager@shawneee.com Read More »

design are done –

Primary Content Breakdown: 1. Headline: In one single sentence (two at the most), you must answer the question that all your visitors will be asking – “What does your company do?” A good headline will answer this burning question — so it needs to short, clear and describe what you do perfectly. You want your visitors to

design are done – Read More »